Sunday, November 23, 2008

Vizsla Family Dogs

The Vizsla (pronounced [ˈviʒlɒ], approximately VEEZH-luh), is a dog breed originating in Hungary. The Hungarian or Magyar Vizsla represents one of the best in sporting dogs and loyal companions and has a strong claim to being one of the smallest of the all-round pointer-retriever breeds. The Vizsla's size is one of the breed's most attractive characteristics and through the centuries he has held a unique position for a sporting dog -- that of household companion and family dog.(Wikipedia)

Vizsla Family DogsVizsla Family Dogs

Vizsla Household DogsVizsla Haousehold Dogs

Vizslas are very high energy, gentle-mannered, loyal, caring, and highly affectionate. They quickly form close bonds with their owners, including children. Often they are referred to as "velcro" dogs because of their loyalty and affection. They are quiet dogs, only barking if necessary or provoked.
They are natural hunters with an excellent ability to take training. Not only are they great pointers, but they are excellent retrievers as well. They will retrieve on land and in the water, making the most of their natural instincts. However, they must be trained gently and without harsh commands or strong physical correction, as they have sensitive temperaments and can be easily damaged if trained too harshly. Vizslas are excellent swimmers and often swim in pools if one is available. Like all gun dogs, Vizslas require a good deal of exercise to remain healthy and happy. Thirty minutes to an hour of exercise daily in a large off-leash area is optimal.(Wikipedia)
Vizslas are excellent swimmersVizslas are excellent swimmers

Vizslas are excellent swimmersVizslas are excellent swimmers

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