Monday, November 10, 2008

Picture of Dogs Stabyhoun

The Stabyhoun or Stabij is a rare dog breed that originates from Friesland, a province in the North of the Netherlands. The first part of the name is probably from the Dutch: "sta me bij" (stand by me). The last part is simply Friesian, meaning dog, which is pronounced "hoon". There are only approximately 3500 Stabyhouns in existence today.(Wikipedia)

A brown and white StabyhounA brown and white Stabyhoun

The coat on the body is long and sleek, only over the croup may there be a slight wave and should never be curly. The back of both the front and hind legs should be bushy, as it is on the tail, but should never be feathering. A somewhat curly coat shows that a cross has been made, and that is why the dogs with that sort of coat cannot be recognized as Stabyhoun.(Wikipedia)
Dutch StabyhounDutch Stabyhoun

A young stabyhoun pupA young stabyhoun pup

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