Well now we are going to talk about the ringing. That was cool because I made 5 bimbos, well we had ring:
·1 Luscinia Sveica
·33 Phylloscopus Collybita
·2 Cettia Cetti
·1 Passer Domesticus
·1 Sturnus Vulgaris
·1 Phoenicurus Ochuro
·1 Acrocephalus Schoenobaenus
·2 Phylloscopus Trochyloides
·1 Embrinza Schoniclus
·2 Eritecula Rubecula
·1 Lanius Senator
·1 Acrocephalus Melanopogon
Well, previously put some photos I want to say so this Lanius Senator is the first so they see in Riet Vell!
And we saw:
·Jinix Torquilla
·Tringa Stagnatilis
·Himantopus Himantopus
·Motacilla Alba
·Anas Platyrhynchos
·Plegadis Falcinellus
·Gallinula Chloropus
·Porphyrio Porphyrio
·Larus Michaelis
·Larus Argentatus
·Larus Ridibundus
Sturnus Vulgaris
Acrocephalus Melanopogon
The wings of Phy. Trochyllus-Phy.Collybita
Lanius Senator
Lanius Senator
Erithecula Rubecula
Phaenicurus Ochura
Plegadis Falcinellus
Bulbucus Ibis
All body of Acr. Melanopogon (for compare with Acr. Schoenobaenus)
Acrocephalus Schoenobaenus